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God Said "Thou Shall Not Kill"
We have distributed over 10,000 posters in Detroit and surrounding cities. Churches and citizens have united to place this message in visable areas in some of the most violence communities in our city.
The word of God gives us commandments to help govern mankind. This 6th commandment declares God Said “Thou Shall Not Kill”. It is found in the book of Exodus Ch 20 and is our message reminding a violent generation that killing is not only against the local laws but violates the highest law in the land. The Law of GOD.
This message speaks to the act of murder. The scriptures instruct us that for mankind to murder one another is a violation to God, the creator of man. Therefore, the United Communities of America in our efforts to reduce crime declares that God said “Thou Shall Not Kill”. We publish this message by way of posters, tee shirts, wristbands and literature to help reach the consciousness of those who engage in violence. We aim to declare as well as warn those engaging in violence that to kill has eternal consequences. Not just incarceration or the danger of retaliation but God Himself has commanded that man shall not murder and violating His known word will not go unpunished.
We are asking all churches across America to support this effort by sponsoring a Thou Shall Not Kill Rally in their community. To unite and organize a Thou Shall Not Kill rally in your community, please contact us at
God has given us his word, we are to declare it in these perilous times. We seek to create a new consciousness to communities in crises. We invite you to become a partner for peace today.
Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Ephesians 6:17
For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Hebrews 4:17
Hearse Motorcade Against Violence in Detroit
Code 22 No Violence Day Across America

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